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The Evolution of Bonobo

About Us

Circa 2020, the world had been ravaged by the pandemic. Disrupting every life and industry. Work form home had become the new normal. In these unprecedented times, director Naved Ahmed found himself shooting from home. Shooting ad films remotely had become a thing those days. Where the makers would control and execute a shoot remotely without even being present physically on the shooting location. This was stuff from the wildest of our imaginations. A futuristic fantasy. An evolution of film making.


When his journey began back in 2008, ads were shot on film, 35mm reels of celluloid. A very physical medium which one could touch and feel. The metamorphosis of this process from being such a physical, primitive medium to a virtual, modern one was definitely evolutionary.

It was a total paradigm shift.


Just like mankind is believed to have evolved from a primitive being, the ape. One particular species to be precise ‘Bonobos’, a species which humans share 97.5% DNA with, filmmaking too has evolved from the most primitive forms.


The constant itch and the fire to spread his horizons, even if it meant venturing out into the unknown, lead Naved to start his own production house, in the middle of a pandemic. Where he could evolve as a film maker just as film making had evolved on its own.

Where he could hone the the most primal craft of story-telling.


Thus, Bonobo Pictures was born.


We are Bonobo!


The Bonobos

The Team

Naved Ahmed

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Founder, Director


Sanjay Narang

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Dhruv Dutt

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Our Clients

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